Publications of
Bernard Arps
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Arps’s main page ]
Books, (co-)authored

- Tall Tree, Nest of the
Wind: The Javanese Shadow-Play Dewa Ruci Performed by Ki Anom Soeroto. A Study in
Performance Philology. Singapore: NUS Press. [x + 636 pp.]

- (with Els Bogaerts,
Willem van der Molen, Ignatius Supriyanto, Jan van den Veerdonk, and Betty
Litamahuputty). Hedendaags Javaans: een leerboek.
[Contemporary Javanese: a coursebook.] Leiden: Opleiding Talen en Culturen
van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië, Universiteit Leiden, 2000. Semaian, 20.
[xxvii + 581 pp.]
- (with Sirtjo Koolhof and
Henk Maier). Traditionele en moderne poëzie van Indonesië.
[Traditional and modern poetry of Indonesia.] Leiden: Instituut
Indonesische Cursussen, 1994. [64 pp.]

- Tembang in two
traditions: performance and interpretation of Javanese literature. London: School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1992. [xiii + 485 pp.]

- (with Annabel Teh
Gallop). Golden letters: writing traditions of Indonesia / Surat
emas: budaya tulis di Indonesia. London: British Library; Jakarta:
Yayasan Lontar, 1991. [152 pp.]
- (unpublished). Sekar
ageng: over antieke Javaanse versvormen. [Sekar ageng: on antique
Javanese verse forms.] [MA thesis in Javanese linguistics and literature,
University of Leiden, 1986. ix + 175 pp.]
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- (ed. with Willem van der
Molen). Woord en schrift in de Oost: de betekenis van zending en
missie voor de studie van taal en literatuur in Zuidoost-Azië.
[Word and Script(ure) in the East: the meaning of Protestant and Roman
Catholic mission for the study of language and literature in South-East
Asia.] Leiden: Opleiding Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië,
Universiteit Leiden, 2000. Semaian, 19. [x + 199 pp.]

- (ed. with Willem van der
Molen). Serat Lokapala kawi: an eighteenth-century manuscript of the
Old Javanese Arjunawijaya by Mpu Tantular. A facsimile edition of
manuscript Cod. Or. 2048 in the Library of Leiden University.
Leiden: Indonesian Linguistics Development Project (ILDEP) in co-operation
with Legatum Warnerianum in the Library of Leiden University, 1994.
Manuscripta Indonesica, 3. [xlvi + 185 pp.]

- (ed.). Performance
in Java and Bali: studies of narrative, theatre, music, and dance.
London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,
1993. [xi + 244 pp.]
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Most of Bernard Arps’ chapters and articles can
be downloaded in PDF from his
- “The power of the
heart that blazes in the world: an Islamic theory of religions in early
modern Java.” Indonesia and the Malay World 47(139):308-334. [Also published open
access at
- “The ethnolinguistic
listener: narrativity and ideologies of local language in urban Banyuwangi.”
In: Zane Goebel (ed.). 2019. Rapport and the discursive co-construction
of social relations in fieldwork encounters, pp. 111–138. Berlin and
Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Language and Social Life, 19.
- “The benefits of
purity in Amarta and Surakarta: the shadowplay of Bima Suci,
1817–1818.” In: Yumi Sugahara and Willem van der Molen (eds.), Transformation
of religions as reflected in Javanese texts, pp. 77–102. Tokyo:
Research Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies. Javanese Studies, 5.
- “Drona’s betrayal and
Bima’s brutality: javanaiserie in Malay culture.” In: Willem
van der Molen and Ding Choo Ming (eds.), Traces of the Ramayana and
Mahabharata in Javanese and Malay literature, pp. 58–98. Singapore:
ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. Nalanda-Sriwijaya Series, 34.
- (with Helen Creese,
Matthew Isaac Cohen, and Kathy Foley.) “Debate.” Bijdragen tot
de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 173(1):115–131. [Three reviews of Tall
tree, nest of the wind (Arps 2016) followed by a rejoinder.]
- “Flat puppets on an
empty screen, stories in the round: imagining space in wayang kulit
and the worlds beyond.” Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of
Indonesia [Brill] 17(3):438–472.
- “Religion in
Southeast Asian studies.” In: Kiri Paramore (ed.), Religion and
Orientalism in Asian Studies, pp. 13–23, 165. London and New York:
- “Ethno-religious
heritage in Singapore and the quest.” In: The Newsletter 62
- “The lettuce song and
its trajectory: the vagaries of a pop song in three eras.” In: Proceeding
seminar internasional (musik) vokal, Festival Kesenian Indonesia (FKI) VII
(Voice of the Archipelago Festival) Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI)
Surakarta, pp. 28–42. Surakarta: Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI)
Surakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
- “Dewa Ruci and the
light that is Muhammad: the Islamization of a Buddhist text in the
Yasadipuran version of the Book of Dewa Ruci.” Paper presented
at the seminar Pantheisme – manunggaling kawula lan Gusti dalam naskah
Nusantara [‘Pantheism – the union of servant and Lord in Indonesian
manuscripts’], held at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia,
Jakarta, 5–6 September 2007.
- “Terwujudnya bahasa
Using di Banyuwangi dan peranan media elektronik di dalamnya (selayang
pandang, 1970–2009).” [Realizing the Osing language in Banyuwangi and
the role of the electronic media in this (a bird’s eye view, 1970–2009).]
In: Mikihiro Moriyama and Manneke Budiman (eds.), Geliat bahasa selaras
zaman: perubahan bahasa-bahasa di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru, pp.
225–248. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.
- “Osing Kids and the
Banners of Blambangan: ethnolinguistic identity and the regional past as
ambient themes in an East Javanese town.” Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu
Pengetahuan Budaya 11(1):1–38.
- (with Katinka van
Heeren). “Ghosthunting and vulgar news: popular realities on recent
Indonesian television.” In: Henk Schulte Nordholt and Ireen Hoogenboom
(eds.), Indonesian transitions, pp. 289–325. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Pelajar, 2006.
- “Dance-floor politics
in easternmost Java.” IIAS Newsletter 40 (Spring 2006):11.
- “Letters on air in
Banyuwangi (and beyond): radio and phatic performance.” Indonesia
and the Malay World 31 (91):301–316. (Special issue Letters from
Nusantara, edited by W. van der Molen and E.P. Wieringa.)
- “The sound of space:
how to hear mise en scène in audio wayang.” In: Jan Mrázek (ed.), Puppet
theater in contemporary Indonesia: new approaches to performance events,
pp. 315–332. S.l.: Centers for South and Southeast Asian Studies,
University of Michigan, 2002. Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia,
- (with Ignatius
Supriyanto). “Javanese on the internet.” Caraka, ‘The
Messenger’: Newsletter for Javanists 37/38 (June–December 2002).
Internet WWW page, at URL:
- (with Patricia Spyer,
Edwin Jurriëns, Katinka van Heeren, and Wiwik Sushartami). “Indonesian
mediations: the re-imagining and re-imaging of community(s) in transition
– a position paper.” In: Henk Schulte Nordholt and Irwan Abdullah
(eds.), Indonesia: in search of transition, pp. 177–206. Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar, 2002.
- “Indian influence on
the Old Javanese linguistic tradition.” In: Sylvain Auroux, E. F. K.
Koerner, Hans-Josef Niederehe, and Kees Versteegh (eds.), History of
the language sciences: an international handbook on the evolution of the
study of language from the beginnings to the present, Vol. 1, pp.
186–190. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2000.
- “De kwestie van het
Javaanse kerkgezang.” [The issue of the Javanese church hymns.] In:
Willem van der Molen and Bernard Arps (eds.), Woord en schrift in de
Oost: de betekenis van zending en missie voor de studie van taal en
literatuur in Zuidoost-Azië, pp. 1–32. Leiden: Opleiding Talen en
Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië, Universiteit Leiden, 2000. Semaian,
- “The regulation of
beauty: J. Kats and Javanese poetics.” In: David Smyth (ed.), The
canon in Southeast Asian literatures: literatures of Burma, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, pp.
114–134. Richmond: Curzon, 2000.
- (intr. and trans.). “Déwa
Rutji: avontuur en wijsheid in een Javaans verhaal.” [Dewa Ruci:
adventure and wisdom in a Javanese story.] In: [Harry Poeze (ed.),] Oosterse
omzwervingen: klassieke teksten over Indonesië uit Oost en West, pp.
81–119, 215–216. Leiden: KITLV Uitgeverij, 2000. [This article is
available here
in PDF.]
- “How a Javanese
gentleman put his library in order.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-
en Volkenkunde 155 (1999):416–469. [Special issue of Bijdragen
entitled Encompassing knowledge: indigenous encyclopedias fron
ninth-century Java to twentieth-century Riau, edited by Tony Day and
Will Derks.
- (with Betty
Litamahuputty). “The teaching of Javanese world-wide.” Caraka,
‘The Messenger’: Newsletter for Javanists 30 (1998):1–13. Update in
Caraka 34 (2000):1.
- “Koning Salomo en het
dwerghertje: taalpolitiek, taalonderwijs en de eerste grammatica’s in het
Javaans.” [King Salomon and the mouse deer: language policy, language
teaching, and the first grammars in Javanese.] In: Kees Groeneboer (ed.), Koloniale
taalpolitiek in Oost en West: Nederlands-Indië, Suriname, Nederlandse
Antillen en Aruba, pp. 85–105. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press,
- (with Teresa Birks, Els
Bogaerts, Klarijn Loven, and Edwin Jurriëns). “An introduction to
VA|AVMI.” Internet WWW page, at URL:
(Update: 2 June 1997)
- “To propagate morals
through popular music: the Indonesian qasidah modéren.” In: Stefan
Sperl and Christofer Shackle (eds.), Qasida poetry in Islamic Asia and
Africa, Vol. 1, Classical traditions and modern meanings, pp.
389–409. Leiden etc.: E. J. Brill, 1996. Studies in Arabic Literature,
- (ed. and trans.). “Nyanyi
gembira / Joyful song”, “Keméwahan / Luxury”, “Kota santri /
The town of santris”, and “Syiar 9 wali / The propagation by the
nine walis”. In: Stefan Sperl and Christofer Shackle (eds.), Qasida
poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa, Vol. 2, Eulogy’s bounty,
meaning’s abundance: an anthology, pp. 320–331, 464–465. Leiden etc.:
E. J. Brill, 1996. Studies in Arabic Literature, 20.2.
- “The Song Guarding at
Night: grounds for cogency in a Javanese incantation.” In: Stephen C.
Headley (ed.), Vers une anthropologie de la prière: études
ethnolinguistiques javanaises / Towards an anthropology of prayer:
Javanese ethnolinguistic studies, pp. 47–113. Aix-en-Provence:
Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1996.
- “Singing literature.”
In: John Miksic (ed.), Ancient history, pp. 130–131. Singapore:
Archipelago Press, 1996. Indonesian Heritage, 1.
- “Recitation of
Javanese texts” and “Joseph in Java.” In: Ann Kumar and John H.
McGlynn (eds.), Illuminations: the writing traditions of Indonesia,
pp. 168–169, 174–175. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation; New York and Tokyo:
Weatherhill, 1996.
- “Javanese language,
literature and theatre.” In: E. Ulrich Kratz (ed.), Southeast Asian
languages and literatures: a bibliographical guide to Burmese, Cambodian,
Indonesian, Javanese, Malay, Minangkabau, Thai and Vietnamese, pp.
112–164. London and New York: I. B. Tauris Publishers, 1996.
- (compiler).
“[Translations of Southeast Asian texts:] Javanese.” In: E. Ulrich
Kratz (ed.), Southeast Asian languages and literatures: a
bibliographical guide to Burmese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Javanese, Malay,
Minangkabau, Thai and Vietnamese, pp. 419–429. London and New York: I.
B. Tauris Publishers, 1996.

- “Inleiding op de
wayangvoorstelling” [Introduction to the wayang performance] and “Déwa
Ruci: een Javaans schimmenspel” [Dewa Ruci: a Javanese shadow play].
In: Jos Janssen and Ben Arps, Déwa Ruci: een Javaans schimmenspel,
pp. 9–13, 14–27. [Hilversum:] VPRO, 1995. [Booklet accompanying compact
disk set “Déwa Ruci: een Javaans schimmenspel”, published by VPRO on the
Eigen Wijs label, EW 9523.]
- (with W. van der Molen).
“Introduction.” In: Bernard Arps and Willem van der Molen (eds.), Serat
Lokapala kawi: an eighteenth-century manuscript of the Old Javanese
Arjunawijaya by Mpu Tantular. A facsimile edition of manuscript Cod. Or.
2048 in the Library of Leiden University, pp. v–xlvi. Leiden:
Indonesian Linguistics Development Project (ILDEP) in co-operation with
Legatum Warnerianum in the Library of Leiden University, 1994. Manuscripta
Indonesica, 3.
- “Traditionele poëzie
van Indonesië” [Traditional poetry of Indonesia], “De traditionele
poëzie van Bali, Midden- en Oost-Java en de Sundalanden” [The
traditional poetry of Bali, Central and East Java, and the Sunda lands],
and (trans.) “Een duistere tijd” [‘A time of darkness’; the serat
Kalatidha by Ranggawarsita]. In: Bernard Arps, Sirtjo Koolhof, and Henk
Maier, Traditionele en moderne poëzie van Indonesië, pp. 4–5, 6–9,
17–21. Leiden: Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, 1994.
- “A tour of pantun
tracts: planes of movement in a song from Banyuwangi.” In: Jan van der
Putten (ed.), Bahwa inilah tanda kasih, yaitu persembahan persahabatan
kepada yang termulia Prof Dr Muhammad Haji Salleh, pp. 79–97. Leiden:
Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië, Rijksuniversiteit
Leiden, 1994.
- “Introduction”.
In: Bernard Arps (ed.), Performance in Java and Bali: studies of
narrative, theatre, music, and dance, pp. 1–10. London: School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1993.
- “Pengkajian bahasa
dan sastra Jawa di Britania Raya: sejarah dan keadaan sekarang.” [The
study of Javanese language and literature in Great Britain: history and
present situation.] In: Sudaryanto, Darusuprapto, Sarwanto Tjokrowinoto,
Soetomo WE, and Subagyo (eds.), Kongres Bahasa Jawa, Semarang, 15–20
Juli 1991: proseding. Buku IV, pp. 397–415. Surakarta: Yayasan Studi
Bahasa Jawa ‘Kanthil’ and Penerbit Harapan Massa, 1993.
- “Indonesian” and
“Scripts, Javanese and related”. In J. M. Y. Simpson (gen. ed.), The
encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Pergamon Press, 1993.
- “Yusup, Sri Tanjung,
and fragrant water: the adoption of a popular Islamic poem in Banyuwangi,
East Java.” In: V. J. H. Houben, H. M. J. Maier, and W. van der Molen
(eds.), Looking in odd mirrors: the Java Sea, pp. 112–145. Leiden:
Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië, Rijksuniversiteit
te Leiden, 1992. Semaian, 5.
- “Antara ‘nêmbang’ dan
‘maca’: dampak ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi modern pada pembacaan puisi
Jawa tradisional di Yogyakarta.” [Between ‘singing’ and ‘reciting’:
the impact of scholarship and modern technology on the performance of
traditional Javanese poetry in Yogyakarta.] Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia:
Jurnal Masyarakat Musikologi Indonesia 2(2) (1991):69–118.
- “Singing the life of
Joseph: an all-night reading of the lontar Yusup in Banyuwangi, East Java.”
Indonesia Circle 53 (1990):34–58.
- “Writings on wayang:
approaches to puppet theatre in Java and Bali in fifteen recent books.”
Indonesia Circle 52 (1990):55–87.

- “Wayang in de film.”
In: Fons Grasveld (ed.), Tanah Sabrang, land aan de overkant:
landbouwkolonisatie en wayang in een film van Mannus Franken, pp.
15–27. Amsterdam: Mannus Franken Stichting / Koninklijk Instituut voor de
Tropen / Filminstituut, 1988. NFI-Verkenningen, 43.

- “Volkstradities en
instituties in het middenjavaanse wayangtheater.” [Popular traditions
and institutions in central Javanese shadow theatre.] In: C. P. Epskamp
(ed.), Theater op Java, pp. 28–55. Zutphen: de Walburg Pers, 1985.
Scenarium, Nederlandse Reeks voor Theaterwetenschap, 9.
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Last updated: 24 June 2022